Bird Habitat Garden News

Bird Habitat Garden News

It has been a beautiful spring this year. The Bird Habitat Garden has benefited from the rains and is looking lovely. There are plenty of blooms to see and some of the plants have doubled in size over the past couple of weeks. The bees were particularly busy gathering...

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St. Louis’s year-round species of birds are beginning to be joined by migrating birds returning here or passing through on their way to more exotic summer habitats.  Our area is a great location for birdwatching.  It is on the Mississippi Flyway migration...

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Managing Rainwater

Managing Rainwater

There’s no doubt that water is a precious natural resource but it can also be a tremendously destructive force as late July’s record-setting rainfall and flash floods demonstrated. As a NatureScaper helping to rid Ruth Park Woods of invasive plants, the recent floods...

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Phenology is fun!

Phenology is fun!

Phen…What? Phenology is one of the many -ologies — the study of something. In this case, it is the study of the timing of biological events that recur — usually on a seasonal basis, but I like to simply think of it as “let’s see what’s in bloom this week!” After...

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Red Buckeye (AKA Scarlet Buckeye or Firecracker Plant)

Red Buckeye (AKA Scarlet Buckeye or Firecracker Plant)

The umbrella-like leaves of red buckeyes offer habitat to birds and small animals. The flowers are an important food source for our native ruby-throated hummingbirds, especially since they bloom right at the time that the hummingbirds arrive in the St. Louis area from their migration north from southern Mexico and Central America. Note that the flowers are a hummingbird’s favorite shape (tubular) and color (red)! 

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Bush honeysuckle Invasives

Bush honeysuckle Invasives

BUSH HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera maackii) is one of the most abundant invasive species in Ruth Park Woods. Why is it undesirable, though? It’s a big green bush that grows well. Bush honeysuckle is undesirable because:It creates such dense thickets that it produces too much...

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Trees are powerful

Trees are powerful

Urban forests help to store carbon, suck up stormwater, filter air pollution, cool our cities, provide food and homes for wildlife, and improve our own physical and mental health.  But powerful as they are, trees are under attack from climate change, invasive...

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Ode to the Giant Coneflower

Ode to the Giant Coneflower

An Ode to Giant Coneflower:   Most garden centers today offer a lot of great options for people that want short perennials.  But, what about plants that make us tip our heads back to look up instead of down?  Do these plants deserve a spot in the...

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Calling all Gardeners !

Calling all Gardeners !

Plant & Shrub Donations Needed U City in Bloom needs donations of perennial plants and shrubs for our Annual Plant Sale. Get your gardening tools out and start digging! Donations are being accepted at the Vernon Nursery. Please place donated plants in plastic bags...

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U City in Bloom Job Opportunities

U City in Bloom is seeking skilled gardeners and horticulturists to apply to be part of our dedicated team.  You have seen our shirts at conventions, or heard about some of the great things we are doing, but what actually is U City in Bloom?  We are an...

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